
Dear Clueless Parent – Parenting is Part of Marital Success

Dear Clueless Parent
Another crucial area that takes a toll on married couple’s love and time spent together is parenting. Once the children starts coming everything starts changing and if both parties are not paying attention to details and to each other might lose each other to the stress from parenting work. At times, some husbands complain the love and affection of their wife has now been shifted to the Children such that she no longer looks at his side and many times the woman also feels overburdened by taking care of the kids alone without the man getting involved. It can be a tedious and herculean task for just one partner to handle the kids alone. Meanwhile, as much as you want your marriage to thrive, you should also know that you cannot say your marriage is successful until you’re also both successful at parenting the children you have in the marriage. Failure at Parenting could equal failure in marriage and that’s why at Marriage Clinic we emphasize mutual involvement and participation of both partners in caring, training and raising the children. It has to be a joint work and a joint effort. One partner cannot afford to be a clueless parent while the other is the one only involved. These and many more are what you will be learning at the Marriage Clinic Mentorship Program so that as married couples, we can both Succeed at Marriage and at Parenting if we have the right knowledge.


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